
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral

400 Bathurst St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In 1950, the status of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at 400 Bathurst Street was raised to the category of cathedral. The official new name became St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Toronto. In 1951, under the parish leadership of A. Lazarowich – President of the parish, the commission to design a new iconostas was awarded to Yurii Kodak who then prepared the design and detailed specifications for the highly Baroque-Styled iconostas, and side panels.

Cydor Koval’s company did the wood-work to produce the icon screen and the two sided frames. The painting of the iconostas’ ornamentation was done by Ivan Kubarsky following the colour specifications laid out by G. Kodak. Most of the icons were painted by Myhailo Dmytrenko. Four were painted by Ivan Kubarsky.

Costing approximately $20,000, the new iconostas was installed in 1953.